“When I was asked to officiate the wedding of my oldest and dearest friend, I felt both honored and petrified. What did I know about Jewish weddings other than how to do the hora in heels? I knew that my friend wanted something Jew-ish without having all the traditional trappings of the Jewish ceremony so I started googling everything from “Why do we break the glass?” to “Do you really need a chuppah?”  I was so lucky; I happen to have a bevy of friends that are rabbis who were willing and able to share with me their best tips, traditions, and jokes for performing a Jew-ish ceremony. I worked with the bride and groom to create a uniquely spiritual, authentically them, and kind of Jew-ish ceremony that was full of love, family and community with the right sprinkling of tradition. While it might have been the happiest day of their lives, it was definitely one of the proudest of mine. Looking back, more than anything I wish I had 8th Blessing available to me so that I could have had a single resource to help me craft and create the ceremony – a single resource for all my questions to be answered and to get ordained.”

Julia Moss: Non-profit Maven, Mom, Jewish Ritual Life Minister.

For in giving kiddushin there aren’t many details, and details that require legal rulings are not present there… And so is the custom among us to honor with siddur kiddushin even one who is not a great scholar.

– The Taz (Turk Zahav on Shulchan Aruch EH 49:1).

Instant Ordination